Google Specialist

As a Google Certified Teacher (Level 2), I've been part of the quiet revolution in classroom workflows as Google's ubiquitous collaborative tools have changed the way both teachers and students work. More than just knowing Google's tools, I've worked to push how they can be used genuinely innovate instructional strategies.

As a Google Certified Administrator, I've managed the Google platform for an entire school. From user management and platform security policy to working with administration to optimize workflows. I also facilitated ongoing "Google PD" for my fellow faculty to make sure my colleagues were current with the evolving Google ecosystem.

Google Administrator Google Teacher Level 2

Problem Solver

Being a technophile means frequently recognizing technological solutions to broader education-context problems. Addressing school and classroom challenges, ranging from designing innovative reporting strategies to developing daily instructional tools, has been instrumental in both the success of my school community and my proffessional development as an educator.

Web Developer

For years before becoming a teacher I did freelance work as a full-stack web developer. In addition to being the basis for my classroom teaching of Computer Programming as a school subject, this past career has allowed me to contribute to the functioning of the school community.

From collaborative work with administration on school marketing to developing my own custom instructional tools (e.g. the Historical Stock Market Simulation), the perspectives and skills add capacity and breadth to my role as an educator.